At the end of my last posting I
briefly described a grade twelve sports leadership class that I thoroughly
enjoyed due to the nature and application of the assessment tasks. During the
last blog I focused on the elements of rich performance assessment tasks and
the notion of including the students opinions and real life applications to the
assessments. In saying this, the notion of rich performance tasks can be
further explained through the theory of project-based learning. During this sports
leadership class our main goal was to design a series of field trips that focused
on making grade eight students feel more comfortable on their first day of
grade nine.
In saying this, the class was built upon the theories of project-based learning. Project based learning can bring real life problems into the classroom. It encourages students to be engaged in their learning and allows them to understand the subject matter, by understanding each of its individual parts (Tascı, 2015). It has been proven that project based learning can improve the learning of students since it focuses on the real world settings and ensures that each students is focused on their task at hand. It also allows them to work at their own comfort level and individualizes educational experiences (Galvan, & Coronado, 2014). In saying this, as students we were encouraged to focus our event on an aspect of the school that we felt comfortable working within. For example, my small peer group focused mostly on athletics so we decided to focus our portion of the final trip on the physical education resources available at our high school. Our project was based upon allowing the students to find and utilize each of the facilities. This project based learning style was beneficial since it did not have one correct answer in mind, encouraged us to gain knowledge while participating and ensured we were focused on the real world problem at hand.
In saying this, the class was built upon the theories of project-based learning. Project based learning can bring real life problems into the classroom. It encourages students to be engaged in their learning and allows them to understand the subject matter, by understanding each of its individual parts (Tascı, 2015). It has been proven that project based learning can improve the learning of students since it focuses on the real world settings and ensures that each students is focused on their task at hand. It also allows them to work at their own comfort level and individualizes educational experiences (Galvan, & Coronado, 2014). In saying this, as students we were encouraged to focus our event on an aspect of the school that we felt comfortable working within. For example, my small peer group focused mostly on athletics so we decided to focus our portion of the final trip on the physical education resources available at our high school. Our project was based upon allowing the students to find and utilize each of the facilities. This project based learning style was beneficial since it did not have one correct answer in mind, encouraged us to gain knowledge while participating and ensured we were focused on the real world problem at hand.
![]() | Home/wicked-problems/wicked-problems |
This notion of an unsolvable
problem can be related to the grade twelve class since our final goal was to
make the grade eight students feel comfortable during their first day of grade
nine. The Globe and Mail suggests that 1 in 4 grade nine students
becomes very stressed about finding their new classrooms, making new friends,
and finding their lockers. In saying this, our wicked problem was the concept
of why grade nine students feel uncomfortable during their first days and how
it can be solved.
In my future as an educator, I believe it will be beneficial to begin each unit with a wicked problem. This problem will then lead into a series of project based learning lessons in which students will solve a less complex problem. These solutions will then be combined to meet the learning objectives of the entire unit in the classroom.
Galvan, M. E., & Coronado, J. M. (2014). Problem-Based
and Project-Based Learning: Promoting Differentiated Instruction. National Teacher Education Journal, 7(4),
Tascı, B. G. (2015). Project Based Learning from Elementary
School to College, Tool: Architecture. Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences, 186(The Proceedings of 5th World
Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership), 770-775.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great way to end your blog posts! Your writing on projected based learning and wicked questions was very enlightening and really got me to think differently. First, I loved that you linked this blog with the last, while giving a good overview of what the last blog entailed. This isn't easy to do but you made it look easy. As well, it was nice to see that you applied the information that you have learned into something you could do with the information. This is a higher order thinking skill and it was done very well. As for feedback, I would recommend just looking through your blog and watching out for grammatical mistakes that may disrupt the flow of the blog. With this said, there has been a huge amount of improvement in your blog! It has been a pleasure being able to read them!
Hey Kyle,
ReplyDeleteI thoroughly enjoyed reading your interpretation of problem based learning! Your personal connections to the material show that you are passionate about the subject and have experience dealing with PBL. You did a great job using peer reviewed sources to support your ideas and the hyperlinks provided gave extra detail on the uncommon topics. The notion of a wicked problem was very interesting as I have never heard of that approach before. They are very effective at implementing higher level thinking in students, which is very important, especially in math and science. Great blog post andI hope you continue to use this blog on your educational journey.
ReplyDeleteLet me start out by saying that I liked your introduction to this week's post; you connected the idea to your last blog and that is a writing strategy which I have yet to see in the other blogs I've read this year. Your topic was good and I liked how you introduced one idea (i.e. project-based learning) in order to set up an introduction to another (i.e. wicked problems). This technique makes the blog flow nicely from one idea to the next. Good use of the picture in your blog. It relates well to the topic and the way you've incorporated it into the block of text is visually appealing. Further, the picture is incredibly informative and really outlines the concept of a wicked problem. My piece of criticism for the post is that you really use the phrase "in saying this" to introduce a sentence or to further along an idea far too much. Reading through the post, the phrase became very repetitive and it loses its effectiveness quickly. I would suggest either removing the phrase altogether or replacing it with a different introductory word or phrase. Other than that, a good final post!